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Our products offer solutions to everyday problems or attract consumers with multiple functionality

Beauty & Personal Care Betty's Nature 92% Aloe Vera Gel Betty's Jade Roller Betty's Nature Cooling Gel Betty's Nature Face Wash Betty's Nature Hand Cream Betty's Nature Soothing Balm Betty Brush Betty's Water Based Lubricant Betty's Cosmetic Headband Betty's LipBalm Betty's Cleansing Facial Brush Betty's Glamour Mirror Betty's Nature Hand & Bodycream Scalp Massage Shampoo Brush Betty's Cosmetic Mirror Betty's Nature Citronella Betty's Mouth Spray Cleansing Handgel Betty's Handgel 50ml Handgel in silicone hanger Hand gel in Silicone Hanger Betty's Handgel 236ml Cleansing Handgel SOS Handsanitizer Cleansing Handgel Cleansing Handgel Handgel in silicone hanger Handsanitzer in silicone hanger Handsanitizer 29ml Cleansing Hand Gel Hand gel in Silicone Hanger Hand gel in Silicone Hanger Hand gel in Silicone Hanger Various Accessories Betty's Microwaveable Warm Hug Betty Bottle Betty's Hot Water Bottle Betty's 1buttonscarf Betty's Dog Brush Betty's 10buttonscarf Betty's cosmetic bag Multifunctional Travel Pillow Hamman Towels Cleaning & Washing Betty Ball Eco Laundry Balls Dryer Balls Portable laundry baskets Various Household Bettys Foam Pump Betty's Toilet Brush Shopping cart bag Antibacterial Cutting Board Vacuum Wine Stopper Teaglass with infuser Species & Tea Rack Bodywear One-size-fits-all Thong Betty Bra Push your own Bra Private Label

Betty's Jade Roller

Reduces dark circles around the eyes

Stimulates blood flow and oxygen for natural glow 

Extremely relaxing

Improves skin elasticy, reduces wrinkles on face

Helps absorb cream, oils and serums for better results



Your Must-Have Beauty Secret